TIP: What's it worth? Use eBay tool to find a fair price -->

TIP: What's it worth? Use eBay tool to find a fair price

Tip: Search Ebay's Completed Listings

 Search Ebay's Completed Listings to Get an Idea of an Item's Current Market Value

(OKC-Craigslist.Blogspot.com) - Using Ebay's search feature to peruse completed listings (listings for Ebay auctions that have already ended) you can see what an item sold for on Ebay, or look at eBay listings that didn't sell to see why. Ebay's Completed Listings is a key feature that benefits both buyers and sellers, alike.

What is an eBay completed listing? 

A completed listing is an eBay listing that has either resulted in a sale or expired without the listed item being sold. In both cases, the listed item is no longer available for purchase on eBay, but the listing remains online showing the final purchase price and winning eBay bidder (if applicable.)

Completed eBay listings serve as a good point of departure when valuing items in general and can be consulted prior to buying or selling an item on eBay, or elsewhere, to get a rough idea of its worth in the eBay marketplace.

How long are completed listings available on eBay? 

Ebay's completed listings are available for items that have sold on eBay within the last 90 days and for items that were listed on eBay but did not sell within the last 30 days. Completed Motor vehicle listings are available for eBay listings that have ended within the last 15 days.

How do I find Completed listings on eBay? 

Completed listings do not appear in eBay's normal search results, since mixing available and already-sold eBay items together would be incredibly confusing for eBay shoppers. Instead, you can search eBay's completed listings by keyword using eBay's Advanced Search Tool. Here's how:

Follow these steps to search eBay for completed listings

Click "Advanced" on Ebay's Home Page To Search Completed Listings By Keyword

1.) On the eBay home page, click the word "Advanced" just to the right of the large, blue "Search" button near the top right side of the page. This will take you to eBay's Advanced Search tool.

Enter Specific Key Words to Search Completed Listings on Ebay

2.) On the advanced search page, enter two or three specific keywords that describe the item you'd like to find on eBay and any words to exclude from your search into the relevant boxes.

Check the completed listings box to search for completed listings on Ebay

3.) Check the "completed listings" box. (You'll find it in the section below the category dropdown and blue search button.) This instructs the search tool to search completed listings on Ebay using the keyword(s) you've supplied.
4.) Check any other options that are relevant to your Ebay search in the advanced search tool.
5.) Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Search" button.

The list of results that you'll see will include a mix of completed Ebay listings with items that sold within the last 90 days, the price at which they sold and the buyer that won them, as well completed Ebay listings from the last 30 days matching your criteria with items that didn't sell.
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