A growing collection of favorite quotes about garage sales, craigslist,
thrifting, organizing, DIY and all things frugal and fabulous.

Quotable Quote:
It's Exciting to Drive from One House to the Next
"Call me dorky, but I think it's exciting to drive from one house to the next in pursuit of something you never knew you wanted."
- Anonymous
Tags: garage sales, yard sales, estate sales, dorky
Quotable Quote:
Garage Sales vs. Nordstrom's Clearance Sales
"Some ladies may get excited when Nordstrom's is having a clearance sale, but my heart starts beating fast when I see signs posted for Neighborhood Garage Sales."
- Amanda, lifewithamission.com
Tags: garage sales, clearance sales, Neighborhood Garage Sales, Garage Sale Signs
Quotable Quote:
The Purpose of Repurpose
"It's not about what it is. It's about what it will be."
- Christina Woodcock, ChristinaFayeRepurposed.com
Tags: repurposed, repurposing, upcycle, diy, painted furniture, furniture makeovers, trash to treasure, garage sale find, quotes
Quotable Quote:
Signs of Spring
"Some people see flowers and think of spring. Me? The sign of spring I look for is the Neighborhood Garage Sale sign."
- Karianne, Thistlewood Farms
Tags: spring, signs, thistlewood farms, garage sales, neighborhood garage sale signs, quotes
Quotable Quote:
Dress Better
"My kids are dressed better now that I shop at Yard Sales because I can afford nicer brands."
- Jennifer, thecraftpatchblog
Tags: kids, yard sale shopping, yard sales, affordable, dress better, designer clothes for less, quotes
Quotable Quote:
Easiest way to organize
"The easiest way to organize your stuff is to get rid of most of it."
- Joshua Fields Milburn
Tags: organize, easy way to organize, organize your stuff, quotes
Quotable Quote:
Your Ticket to the Good Life
"Shopping second hand isn't a sacrifice. It's your ticket to the good life."
- Nicole Lapin, Author
Tags: shopping, second hand, good life, nicole lapin, money, budgeting, finance, frugal living, quotes
Quotable Quote:
The Happiest People
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They make the best of everything they have."
- Unknown
Tags: happy people, best of everything, make the most of what you have, minimalism, upcycle, recycle, repurpose, diy, frugal living, green, quotes
Quotable Quote:
A Twist on Decluttering the Konmari Way
Next time you declutter, instead of asking "Does it spark joy?" as you decide
what to keep and what to purge, consider asking yourself,
"Would it bring more joy to someone else?"
Tags: declutter, organizing, Marie Kondo, Konmari, spark joy, quotes
Quotable Quote:
Bargain Hunters Be Forewarned
"It's not a bargain if you don't need it."
- unknown
Tags: bargains, bargain hunting, shopping, shop-a-holic, garage sales, thrifting, quotes

Quotable Quote:
Pretty Punny
"How long does the Auction last? Until the bidder end."Tags: Auction, bidder, bid, sold
Quotable Quote:
Collected, Not Decorated
"A room should feel collected, not decorated."
Tags: interior design, decorating, style, home decor, quotes
Quotable Quote:
You're an idiot
"If you're not monitoring Craigslist for your heart's desire? You're an idiot. And I love that about you because... it leaves more for me."
- Victoria Elizabeth Barnes, victoriaelizabethbarnes.com