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Garage Sale Finds

You never know what you'll find at a garage sale. Here's an inspiring collection of Garage Sale finds with pics and prices, shared by people who love to garage sale.

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Vintage #2 Barbie

Vintage #2 Barbie - Yard Sale Finds

This $4 garage sale find is a 1959 Barbie #2 that brought $3,938 at auction. At first Chris DiGiovanna didn't think much of the vintage Barbie Doll his dad had given him to bolster his new eBay business. “How much could a Barbie doll be worth?” Chris asked. “I don’t know,” his Dad said. “But she’s old and I think she could be worth some money."


Vintage Fire King Tulip Grease Jar

Vintage Fire King Tulip Grease Jar

Trish Perkins had never been to an Estate Sale until recently when first-time-out she scored this vintage Fire King grease jar for just $2! The pretty tulip pattern is prized by Fire King collectors who will typically pay as much as $50 for a tulip grease jar in great condition. 

When Anchor Hocking first introduced Fire King cookware in the 1940's, housewives acquired it piece by piece in bags of flour, or as weekly promotional items at grocery and hardware stores.


Vintage Bakelite Bangles

Vintage Bakelite Bangles Bracelets

I found these vintage Bakelite Bangle Bracelets in a shallow tray filled with cheap costume jewelry marked 25 cents. I thought it was a mix-up, but the woman hosting the garage sale told me they were "all the same" to her. I still tried to give her more than 50 cents, but the dear, sweet woman insisted on giving me back my change. I've seen similar  vintage Bakelite Bangles sell on eBay for more than $50-$100!~ Kristi


Vintage Iron Chairs

Vintage Iron Chairs rescued from the dumpster

Pat Arthur, her granddaughter and a sleepover guest were fresh out the bath and in their pajamas when they rescued these fabulous, free chairs from the dumpster. A friend had called Pat around 8:30 that night and told her the heavy iron chairs were destined for the landfill. Pat didn't hesitate. She told the girls, "Load up! We’re going treasure hunting!” and the rescued chairs wound up being her greatest find to date. 


Grandy's Stained Glass Window

Grandy's Stained Glass Window - Garage Sale Finds

This wonderful piece of nostalgia is straight out of the front door of an old Grandy's  restaurant.  Ordinary Royalty blogger, Ashley Mills, paid $5 for the stained glass on a Friday and turned around and sold it for $100 on Saturday.


Brady Bunch Tang Horse

Brady Bunch Tang-Style Horse

Remember this handsome guy? He's a plaster replica of an antique Chinese Tang horse and a dead ringer for the iconic "Brady Bunch Horse statue." I paid $5 for him at the Heritage Hills Neighborhood Garage Sale in Oklahoma City and I absolutely love him! I don't care that he's a knock off. (You can find similar horse statues for around $30 on Etsy.) I think he looks just as good in my bookcase as an original vintage Tang horse that sells for more than $200! . ~ Kristi


Video Games

Video Games Haul - Garage Sale Finds

Smart phones and Ebay have made it pretty difficult to find awesome video games at garage sales, especially hauls like Chris Chandler's pictured above. Chris snagged everything shown for the bargain sum of $18: 

PlayStation 2 Official Dual Shock controllers - $2 each, Mortal Kombat Deception PS2 - $3, Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 PS2 - $3, Castlevania: Lament of Innocence PS2 - $3, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2 - $3, Tony Hawk's ProSkater 4 PS2 - $2 and Wreck-It-Ralph action figure - $1.

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