Craigslist Garage Sales Tips & Tools - Oklahoma City: featuredOKC Craigslist Garage Sales -->

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Showing posts with label featured. Show all posts

CRAIGSLIST TIPS: Search Terms & Strategy I Use to Find Epic Deals on Nice Stuff

How to Find Distressed Sellers on Craigslist

Did you know there's a button on Craigslist that spits out a list of motivated sellers?  You can use it to find deeply discounted furniture, home décor, computers, electronics, cars, boats, motorcycles and more offered by Craigslist sellers who are in a bind and need to sell their stuff fast. If you can help, many will sell their Craigslist items to you dirt-cheap.

No More Tears or Tantrums - The Ultimate Guide to Buying Kids Shoes

The Ultimate Guide to Buying Kids Shoes

The Garage Saler's Ultimate Guide to Buying Kids Shoes

This past August, at a garage sale, I witnessed a mother's worst nightmare: Total Child Meltdown —in public, no less.  And it wasn't just one child.  All three of this poor woman's young children were lying in a pile of gently used shoes kicking and screaming at the top of their little lungs.  It was hard to watch. My heart went out to her. 

50 Classic and Unexpected Basket Fillers We Think You'll Adore

50 Classic and Unexpected Basket Fillers

What Do You Fill A Decorative Basket With?

Decorative Basket Fillers — How many awesome yard sale baskets or bowls do you have squirreled away because you don't know what to fill them with? Well, you may want to dust off your favorites because you're about to discover 50 classic and unexpected decorative basket fillers you'll surely love.

How to Buy & Use Wicker Baskets as Stylish Storage & Chic Basket Décor

Guide to Buying & Using Cheap Baskets for Stylish Storage & Home Decor

Where to Buy them Cheap, What to Look for and How to Use Wicker Baskets to Add Storage and Style to Your Home

I have a confession to make. I'm a basket case. 

I'm absolutely crazy about baskets and basket décor. I love hanging baskets, wire baskets, wicker baskets, Easter baskets, pricey and cheap baskets.  I can't pass up a good deal on a storage basket to save my life and I'm inexplicably drawn to every Picnic basket I see.

Better Safe Than Sorry - 50 Ways To Prevent Garage Sale Theft in 2024

Better Safe Than Sorry

You could have knocked me over with a feather as I stood watching thieves drive away with a flatbed trailer load of things they stole from my Dad's estate garage sale.

Tweak Your Garage Sale Ads to Attract More Shoppers Two Days In-a-Row

How to Tweak Your Garage Sale Ads to Attract Back-to-Back Sell-out Crowds

How you advertise two-day garage sales could mean the difference between a slow second day or back-to-back sell-out crowds.

(OKC CRAIGSLIST GARAGE SALES) - Hosting two-day garage sales is a good way to maximize profits—unless you're sitting in your garage twiddling your thumbs on the second day. (The horror!) Whether you're hosting a Fri-Sat or Sat-Sun event, to draw the most customers possible on both days of a two-day sale it pays to...

36 Inspiring examples of repurposed Junk Garden Art

Repurposed Garage Sale Junk Garden Art

What better place to give old junk new life than a life-creating garden? 

(VIDEO + 28 Junk Garden Art Tutorials) What do an embroidery hoop, a bowling ball, a teapot and a kitchen colander have in common? It's all junk I've found at garage sales that's just begging to be repurposed garden art! 

I'm always searching for unexpected ways to repurpose Garage Sale junk and today I hope to inspire you with a video featuring 36 of the best junk garden art ideas I've found to date.

Thrift Store Shopping: 7 dreadful thrifting mistakes and how you can avoid them in 2024

Thrift Store Shopping Tips - 7 Thrifting Fails

Which thrift store shopping mistakes do you make?

CRAIGSLIST CURB ALERT: Free Sectional Sofa + 15 more curb finds you can get your hands on today

CRAIGSLIST CURB ALERT: Century Furniture sectional sofa on the curb for free

OKC CRAIGSLIST CURB ALERT — (Free stuff on Craigslist!) — This down-filled sectional sofa by Century Furniture is free to the first person who shows up ready, willing and able to take it home.

I love this DIY furniture fix so much, I should Marry it!

Missing Furniture Hardware: DIY Fix

Take a look at this photo. It's a side-by-side comparison of two drawers from a painted vintage dresser. Notice anything unusual? Look closely at the hardware. Can you find anything wrong? Me neither — and I know what to look for!

Garage Sale Finds: Neighborhood Garage Sales Pay Off

Great Finds: Neighborhood Garage Sale Haul
$683 Reasons to love thy neighbors' Neighborhood Garage Sales 
It pays to shop at Neighborhood Garage Sales. Check out the savings/profit potential of these reader-submitted garage sale finds!

5 Essential questions to ask before you buy it on Craigslist

5 Essential questions to ask every Craigslist seller

CRAIGSLIST BUYING TIPS ― The secret to buying stuff on Craigslist is asking the right questions. When you master that, Craig's list and the 13,000 new classified ads posted daily are your oyster. Not sure what to ask?  Start with these 5 essential questions experts say you should always ask before you buy anything on Craigslist:

How to make 8 Popular Garage Sale snacks in ONE pan (recipe/video)

Make 8 Popular Desserts in One Pan!

What if you could easily make an entire menu of popular desserts to sell at your upcoming garage sale — in a single pan? Well, you can!  I have the recipe and a video to share with you that shows how!

NEWS: Woman torches her wedding dress at 'Divorce Garage Sale'

Onlookers cheered as a Texas woman joined the First Wives Club in a blaze of glory last week, burning bridges —and her wedding dress— at a 'divorce garage sale' where she sold all of her ex's belongings.

Misplaced Craigslist ad finds kidney donor in an unbelievable twist of fate

Misplaced Craigslist ad results in life-saving kidney donor
What's the opposite of Craigslist Killer? Craigslist Savior? I think we need to coin a new phrase.

Secondhand shopping is "your ticket to the good life!"

Shopping secondhand is your ticket to the good life!
Who doesn't want a ticket to the good life?! I love Nicole Lapin. She's the only finance expert you don't need a dictionary to understand.

Do you have what it takes to win the Million Dollar Mystery Box Challenge?

Eccentric billionaire's million-dollar Mystery Box
An eccentric billionaire, as eccentric billionaires often do, made a man an offer he couldn’t refuse. “If you can find someone in the next hour who will pay $100 for the contents of this mystery box,” the eccentric billionaire explained while handing the man said box. “I will give you $1 million.”

GARAGE SALE FINDS: Priceless $8 Quilt

$8 quilt priceless garage sale find

"If only this quilt could talk."

Imagine you're browsing around a random garage sale when out of the corner of your eye, something unexpected grabs your attention. It feels familiar and upon closer inspection you recognize it as having once belonged to a family member who passed or, as in the case of this antique friendship quilt, to more than one deceased relative.

CRAIGSLIST: Sexy IKEA Table is a Real Stainless 'Steal' (+5 hacks!)

Sexy IKEA Table is a Real (Stainless) 'Steal' - Craigslist

"Really sexy... the sturdiness and texture of industrial with sexy curvy legs? What a find."
 Design Deals Daily 
If the legs were straight it would be just another industrial-style stainless steel table for sale on Craigslist. They're not.

15 Craigslist finds packed with Rustic American charm

15 Craigslist finds packed with Rustic American Charm

"I spy a Rustic American Craigslist buy."

CURATING CRAIGSLIST — Independence Day may be my favorite holiday, but it's living in Oklahoma that makes going all-out in celebration on the 4th of July a tradition I can really get behind. 

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