Craigslist Garage Sales Tips & Tools - Oklahoma City: Garage Sale TipsOKC Craigslist Garage Sales -->

Showing posts with label Garage Sale Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garage Sale Tips. Show all posts

Lemonade Stand FAQ: How to Win Big Selling Food and Drinks at a Garage Sale

Garage Sale Lemonade Stand FAQ

Hosting a Garage Sale? Don't forget hungry Garage Sale shoppers could add an extra $100 or more to your final sales tally when you host a garage sale lemonade stand to cater to them.

101 Freebies to Give Away in Your Garage Sale Free Box

101 Ideas for Garage Sale Free Box Freebies

What Should I Put In My Free Box?

A Free Box is a magnet for Garage Sale shoppers. Fill a cardboard box with freebies; write "Free" or "Free Stuff" on the side in big, bold letters and set the box near the curb. You'll be amazed at how many people stop to see what you have to give away.

Show Me the Money! Host Your Best Yard Sale, Ever

INFOGRAPHIC: Proven tips from a yard sale pro. This handy yard sale infographic tells you what you need to know in a nutshell to host a successful Yard Sale — everything from how to price and arrange yard sale items to how to advertise your sale.

Repurpose political campaign signs faster than you can unload the dishwasher

Repurpose, Reuse Campaign Signs

Whether you voted Red or Blue, we all win when we elect to go Green.

Perhaps you like the idea of championing the environment and keeping your city beautiful. Or maybe you're looking to save a few bucks advertising your next garage sale. Either way, if you have 5 minutes and a political campaign sign, I have five quick and easy hacks you can use to turn it into a free garage sale sign.

Tweak Your Garage Sale Ads to Attract More Shoppers Two Days In-a-Row

How to Tweak Your Garage Sale Ads to Attract Back-to-Back Sell-out Crowds

How you advertise two-day garage sales could mean the difference between a slow second day or back-to-back sell-out crowds.

(OKC CRAIGSLIST GARAGE SALES) - Hosting two-day garage sales is a good way to maximize profits—unless you're sitting in your garage twiddling your thumbs on the second day. (The horror!) Whether you're hosting a Fri-Sat or Sat-Sun event, to draw the most customers possible on both days of a two-day sale it pays to...

GARAGE SALE TIPS: How to cut out the middleman and find awesome deals on authentic vintage

How to score awesome deals on authentic vintage

Sure, you can pick up a cool old ladderback chair at your local thrift store, or buy a pretty pair of vintage brass candle holders online at Ruby Lane. There's definitely satisfaction in choosing well, especially when there are so many choices. But nothing — absolutely nothing — compares to the thrill of discovering an unexpected vintage find out in the wild. The good news is it's totally do-able if you know where to look.

18 Good Reasons Why Priced Items Boost Garage Sale Profit

18 Good reasons why you should price everything at your Garage Sale

To Price, or Not to Price Garage Sale Goods

Whether or not to tag your garage sale wares with a price can be a surprisingly difficult decision.

Maybe you're leaning toward not pricing anything at your upcoming garage sale because you're running short on time. Or maybe you plan to put a price sticker on every individual item because that's what your Mom does at her garage sales.

Either way, a lot of garage salers strongly disagree with your choice.


Garage Sale Pricing - Fill a Bag

Garage Sale leftovers can be a real drag. After you put a considerable amount of time and energy into collecting clutter and dragging it out of the house, the last thing you want to do is drag any of it back in. After all, your objective was to get rid of all that stuff!  Of course, even the most successful — and lucrative — garage sales don't sell every item. This clever garage sale pricing strategy, however, can help you sell more than most.

Garage Sale Tip: Have spare chairs so shoppers will linger

Can you spare a chair?

If you've ever trekked a city block from your car to a garage sale in 90-degree heat, you know an empty chair can be a welcome site. But it may surprise you to learn that Garage Sale hosts get more than gratitude in return for giving weary shoppers a place to sit down and recharge...

ESTATE SALE TIPS: Search these three rooms first in 2024

ESTATE SALE TIP: Best rooms to search for hidden treasure

After standing in line for seemingly an eternity, you're finally inside the doors of the Estate Sale you have been waiting for all week. Your adrenaline is pumping. You have no idea where things will be. Everyone is rushing around you in different directions. The treasure hunt is on... but where should you look first?

Garage Sale tips and a handy price guide to help you buy and sell seasonal items like a pro!

Seasonal Garage Sale Items Price Guide & Tips

Heads up!  Saturday is the best day of the year to buy and sell seasonal items and I have a free Yard Sale Pricing Guide for you!

"Knowing what to buy is only half your job as a consumer. The rest is knowing when to buy it." - Kelly Hancock, Faithful Provisions.

Everyone knows to shop on Black Friday for the best deals on new Flat Screen TVs and most bargain hunters wouldn't dream of buying a new mattress on any day except President's Day or Labor Day. But that's retail. For garage salers, the best days of the year to buy and sell second hand seasonal items are

TIP: How changing course can take you from Garage Sale Zero to Hero

Changing course can take you from garage sale zero to hero! - GARAGE SALE TIPS:

"Try this next time you go to a garage sale. I guarantee you'll get better results because I've proven it myself!"

~ Kristi Kirk Trent, Craigslist Garage Sales

Which is worse? Seeing another garage saler make a beeline for the check-out table clutching a contemporary oil painting you almost bought?

YARD SALE TIP: Do this if you can't take it with you

YARD SALE TIP: Take 'This' If You Can't Take It With You | OKC Craigslist Garage Sale Blog
What do you do if your Yard Sale find is too big to take with you and you have to come back later with a truck to pick it up?

Don't Be Fooled! 21 Garage Sale Finds that Aren't Really Bargains

21 things to think twice about buying at Garage Sales

Cheap? Yes. But seldom are they bargains! These twenty-one items commonly sold at Garage Sales are often damaged, unsanitary or unsafe — and that could really cost you.

GARAGE SALE TIPS: That awkward moment when there's no dressing room

GARAGE SALE TIPS: Math trick tells you if jeans will fit

No dressing room? No Problem!

Don't pass up a pair of killer jeans just because you can't try them on at a garage sale. Use this clever trick to figure out whether those boot cut Seven7s will fit without ever seeing them on!

GARAGE SALE TIPS: *This* is how you draw a crowd

GARAGE SALE TIP: Trick attracts crowd

Get More People to Stop and Shop at Your Garage Sale!

Let's face it. Nothing attracts a crowd like... a crowd. People driving by your garage sale are far more likely to stop and shop if they see a group of people gathered; it gives the impression there's something worth stopping for.

GARAGE SALE TIP: How to Test Pottery for Hairline Cracks

GARAGE SALE TIP: How to find hidden cracks in pottery before you buy it

Let's say you find a piece of Fiestaware pottery at a garage sale that looks good except for one tiny flaw. It's probably just a little crazing, but you could be looking at a hairline crack. 

GARAGE SALE TIP: Elect to Repurpose Political Campaign Signs

GARAGE SALE TIP: Exercise Your Right to Free Garage Sale Sign Supplies

Unless you're a Garage Sale guru, you're probably not aware of the abundant cache of political campaign signs in your city that you're free to repurpose into garage sale signs.

GARAGE SALE TIP: How to buy used battery operated devices without getting burned

GARAGE SALE TIP: Open Battery Compartments
Any time you buy used toys or other battery operated devices at a Garage Sale, there's a chance you'll come across corroded battery terminals which can be dangerous to handle

GARAGE SALE TIPS: Cater to Hungry Shoppers with a Lemonade Stand


Having a Garage Sale? Here's a tip: Don't forget hungry Garage Sale shoppers could add an extra $100 or more to your final sales tally if you cater to them.
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