Part II: Cheap DIY Garage Sale Signs That People Won't Ignore -->

Part II: Cheap DIY Garage Sale Signs That People Won't Ignore

Mannequin Garage Sale Sign

Because Unconventional Garage Sale Signs Capture Tons of Attention!

See Part I of "Cheap DIY Garage Sale Signs That People Won't Ignore (+ How To Make Them")

—Skip the recap and take me straight to signs #11-30— 

(GARAGE SALE ADVERTISING) Weatherproof factory-made garage sale signs are a good investment if you host two or three sales a year. But, tasteful DIY Garage Sale Signs can attract just as much foot traffic and sometimes more when they're really clever. 

In fact, unconventional garage sale signs repurposed from cast offs like old furniture and appliances may attract the most attention of all. They're big and incredibly novel, which makes them disruptive and hard to ignore!

Homemade garage sale signs can also save you a nice chunk of change. Sloppy homemade garage sale signs, however, can hurt attendance and sales.

 Recommended » 30 Weird and Funny Garage Sale Finds Guaranteed to Crack You Up 

They don't have to be perfect, but it's important that your signs are neat, attractive and easy-to-read.

If you haven't already, check out how to make good quality signs in part one of "30 Cheap DIY Garage Sale Signs That People Won't Ignore"

In Part I we counted down DIY garage sale sign ideas 1 through 10. (My favorites are the basketball backboard and the t-shirt pointing left!)

Here are 20 more ideas for homemade garage sale signs people won't ignore!

11. File Folders

12. Paper Sacks

13. Cutting Boards

Free Cutting Board Garage Sale Sign

14. Cars

Cars Advertising Garage Sales

15. Trampolines

Repurposed Trampoline Garage Sale Sign

16. Mattresses & Bed Springs

7. Boxes

Free Eye-catching Yard Sale Signs

18. Shower Curtains

Repurposed Shower Curtain Sign

19. Props

20. Container Lids

21. Crates

22. Fences

23. Fence Parts

24. Foam or Poster Board

25. Chairs

26. Plywood

27. PVC Pipe

28. Luggage

29. Big Garbage Cans

30. Balloons


Old doors, tarps, dry erase boards, children's easels, serving trays, cabinet doors, clip boards, thrift store art, car window shades, leftover paneling, wide vertical blinds, executive desk pad calendars, flags, old ironing boards, old cribs, baby gates, old skate boards, salvaged car hoods, old game boards and boxes, old box fans, cheap laundry hampers, old hot tub covers, the bottom side of plastic kiddie pools, non-working barbeque grills, swing sets, slides, hay bales

TIP: Don't make a DIY garage sale sign out of anything you can't live without. There's always a chance someone may walk off with it.

I hope this helps! .    

  — Have a Great Sale!      

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