New! 30 Weird & Funny Garage Sale Finds Guaranteed to Crack You Up -->

New! 30 Weird & Funny Garage Sale Finds Guaranteed to Crack You Up

My personal collection of unusual, unnecessary and just plain weird or funny Garage Sale finds

You can find incredible deals on so many useful things at garage sales, but you won't find any in this post!  Today I'm all about funny garage sale finds - you know, those weird, unusual or funny items found at Garage Sales that for whatever reason make us laugh... a lot.

Saving pics of funny garage sale finds is an occupational hazard of mine and I thought it was high time to share my collection with you.

1. Dogs Pooping Calendar (2021 edition)

Dogs Pooping Calendar

Same crap. Different day.

2. Creepy Purse That Watches You

Purse watching you

Theft deterrent?

3. Fish Flops

Fish Flip Flops

Seems fishy to me.

4. The Infamous Titty Frog

Tittie Frog

Poor thing looks cold.

5. This planter fail

Herb Planter

Look again. It says "herbs."

6. Tin Foil Hat for Cats

Tin Foil Hat for Cats

Doubles as a lid for canned food in case you lose the original.

7. Umbilical Cord Phone Charger

Umbilical cord phone charger

Some of my favorite funny garage sale finds are products that shouldn't exist.  

8. Crochet Exorcist Dolls


Complete with projectile vomit.

9. Raw Meat Illustrated Blanket


Fresh from the meat market!

10. Gothic Baby Statuary

Gothic Baby Statuary

If Rosemary's Baby had a twin (and creepy cousins.)

11. This Disturbing Chair

Disturbing Chair - Weird Garage Sale Finds

If you look up 'weird garage sale finds' in the dictionary, you'll see  a picture of this chair.

12. Dad's Funeral Video

Dad's Funeral Video For Sale at a Garage Sale

I'd bet money someone bought this.

13. Toothy Shoes

Toothy Shoes

Well, ain't that a kick in the teeth?

14. Sea Shells Playing Cards

Sea Shells Playing Poker

Go fish.

15. Japanese Hair Net

Japanese Hair Net

Keeps your hair out of your food and your friends on the opposite side of the cafeteria pretending they don't know you.

16. Human Hair

Human Hair For Sale At A Garage Sale

Is it me, or does this look like someone just picked up whatever hair was on the kitchen floor after an amateur haircut?

17. Poop Diary

Poop Diary

Everybody poops. But not everybody sells their poop diary at a garage sale.

18. My First Fire

My First Fire Gift Box

Just kidding! It's a prank gift box. (What I would give to be a fly on the wall when some Karen sees this!)

19. Holy Toast! Miracle Bread Stamper

Miracle Bread Stamper

No words.

20. Life-Size Cat Purse

Cat Purse

Purrrfect for any cat lady

21. Sixteen Valentines (with 16 pencils)

16 Valentines with 16 Pencils

YOU get a pencil...YOU get a all get pencils!

22. OH OH OH! Dyslexic Christmas Craft Fail

Dyslexic Christmas Craft Fail

<shrug> Maybe Santa's back hurts from climbing up and down all those chimneys.

23. High Heel Cell Phone Holder

High Heal Phone

What? No one's ever told you your phone looks more attractive in heels?

24. Battery Operated Ice Cream Cone Rotator

Automatic Ice Cream Cone Twister

Because manually twisting an ice cream cone is exhausting.

25. Sourdough Bread Gloves

Bread Gloves

Best thing since sliced bread!

26. Beard Beanie

Beard Beanie

Caution: This product is contraindicated for guys with any desire to hook up with a female.

27. Shower Sponge Mic


Get soap in your eyes and you'll nail the high notes.

28. Eminem Dolls


Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

29. Donald Trump Mug Shot

Donald Trump Mug Shot Glass

The jury's in! Donald Trump takes THE BEST mug shots.


Last, but certainly not least

<drum roll>

30. People of Wal Mart Adult Activity Book

People of WalMart Activity Book

Cracking up.... People of Wal Mart ... my personal favorite :-) 

No need to wait for a garage sale. You can get a brand new People of Wal Mart Activity Book on Amazon. (After I saw this one I bought three for Christmas gifts. They were a big hit!)

Now it's your turn. Tell us about your funny Garage Sale finds in a comment. Post pics if you've got them! I would love to hear from you.

  — Thanks for laughing with me !      

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