46 Wonderful DIY Pumpkins to Make From Upcycled Garage Sale Finds -->

46 Wonderful DIY Pumpkins to Make From Upcycled Garage Sale Finds

Find your glasses and grab your glue gun! Here are the all-time best DIY Pumpkins you can make with everyday upcycled garage sale finds! The video features some old favorites PLUS new DIY pumpkins decor for Fall and Halloween that you probably haven't seen.

Fall decor and Halloween decorations may be worlds apart, but they do have one thing in common  -- pumpkins! From Jack-o'lanturn orange to Cinderella white, the giant round gourds are seasonal  superstars. 

DIY Pumpkins
From Top Left: Plastic Jack O' Lantern - andersonandgrant.com, Skeleton pumpkin - goodhousekeeping.comWhite Jack O' Lanterns - lifeonsummerhill.com, Halloween Pumpkin Topiary - momooze.com

DIY Pumpkins are trending this season, which is no surprise considering half the fun of Halloween is decorating. If you can find time, making your own pumpkins is a good way to make the most of the holiday. Even Kloe Kardashian painted some pumpkins this year. 

DIY Pumpkins Trends

Chunky, braided yarn-wrapped pumpkins beat burlap this year as the most talked-about fall pumpkins. 

Chunky, yarn-wrapped pumpkins
Chunky braided yarn pumpkin by myTotalHandMade

And DIY pumpkin topiaries were everywhere this Halloween.

Pumpkin Topiaries
From Top Left: Fall Topiary Centerpiece - madeinaday.com, Dollar Store DIY - singlegirlsdiy.comBurlap Pumpkin Topiary -Cassandra Acevedo, Pumpkin Stack Topiary - plowhearth.com, DIY Porch Topiary - thecolorventurer, Dollar Store Topiary - tinytreedecor.com, Stacked Topiary - seevanessacraft.com, Halloween Topiary Design - AHA Designs

DIY Pumpkins from Upcycled Garage Sale Finds

The only pumpkins I like better than DIY pumpkins are DIY pumpkins made from upcycled garage sale finds! I love dreaming up new uses for old things and if I save money by putting garage sale finds to good use, well, that's even better!

It's surprising how many every day garage sale finds make wonderful upcycled pumpkins. Would you believe you can make a pumpkin from a scouring pad!? How about a balloon, or wine glasses? I shared these and more in a previous round-up featuring darling DIY pumpkins anyone can create from upcycled garage sale finds -- which led me to make today's video,

Trending Upcycled Pumpkins

Some of the most popular upcycled pumpkins you'll see in the video are:
  • Pumpkins made from fabric, sweaters, socks and yarn
  • Pumpkins made from books
  • Pumpkins made from wine corks and canning rings 
  • and pumpkins made from scrap wood
Some of my personal favorites are upcycled pumpkins created by Sarah Ramburg (sadieseasongoods.com) and Barb Lewis (theshabbytree.com.) Both DIY bloggers have an amazing talent for giving found objects new purpose and I feature several of their best upcycled pumpkins in the video.

"Decorating your home for different holidays doesn't need to be expensive or difficult. I have a very easy and quick way to create some fun and unique pumpkins for Fall." - Barbara Lewis, thsShabbytree.com




Check out the tutorials for DIY pumpkins Fall decor and Halloween decorations I have for you here.

Wait! There's more!

I didn't have room in the video for all of the fantastic DIY Pumpkins I found, so here's a few more Garage Sale finds that you can easily turn into upcycled pumpkins to elevate your Fall decor or save money on Halloween decorations:

47. Pool Noodles

DIY Upcycled Pumpkin from Pool Noodle
DIY Noodle Booster Pumpkin by The Shabby Tree

48. Shovels

Upcycled Pumpkin Shovels

Pumpkins made from shovels. From Top Left: Pinterest, Homeroad, CTW Home, The Happy Farmhouse

49. Beanies

50. World Globes

Upcycled Globe HalloweenPumpkin

51. Rusted Metal Gas Cans, Propane Tanks

Rusted Metal Gas Cans, Propane Tanks Jack O' Lanterns

52. Placemats

DIY Placemat Pumpkins

Are you into DIY Pumpkins? What about DIY pumpkins made from upcycled garage sale finds? Please make my day and share your awesome ideas and post a pic of your creations in the comments! I would love to hear from you.

~ Happy Holidays ~

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