Repurpose political campaign signs faster than you can unload the dishwasher -->

Repurpose political campaign signs faster than you can unload the dishwasher

Repurpose, Reuse Campaign Signs

Whether you voted Red or Blue, we all win when we elect to go Green.

Perhaps you like the idea of championing the environment and keeping your city beautiful. Or maybe you're looking to save a few bucks advertising your next garage sale. Either way, if you have 5 minutes and a political campaign sign, I have five quick and easy hacks you can use to turn it into a free garage sale sign.

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Repurpose Political Campaign Signs into Free Garage Sale Signs

Who doesn't love free garage sale signs?

It happens every election cycle. As soon as the polls close and the ballots are counted, hundreds upon thousands of political campaign signs become just about worthless to candidates and their supporters overnight. Some candidates make an effort to retrieve their campaign signs, but most go unclaimed  a little-known resource way back when I first suggested reusing them to save money on garage sale signs

Today, experts say reusing political campaign signs is "the best option for the environment." Giving campaign signs a second life not only keeps them out of the landfill longer, but also conserves the natural resources it takes to produce them.

Reuse Unclaimed Campaign Signs
As soon as the elections ended in November, political campaign signs became just about worthless to candidates overnight

You can't remove political campaign signs on private property (like your neighbor's yard) without permission. But most city governments allow candidates anywhere from three to 30 days after elections to retrieve campaign signs on public property  after that, they’re fair game. (You can find regulations governing political campaign signs in all 50 states at  

In a typical election year in Oklahoma City, around 90,000 political campaign signs are left behind littering the landscape  more than enough to repurpose into a few free DIY garage sale signs. Here's how.

Turn Political Campaign Signs into Free Garage Sale Signs with One of these 5-Minute Hacks

#1 - Prime over it

Turn Political Campaign Signs into Free Garage Sale Signs

Campaign signs made from corrugated plastic sheets (a.k.a. Coroplast®) are one of the least recyclable, but most reusable types of political campaign signs. To reuse campaign signs made from corrugated plastic, the manufacturer recommends painting over the sign's existing message with Krylon Fusion All-In-One Spray Paint. It bonds to plastic signs without sanding or priming and dries fast, giving you a smooth, blank surface that you can personalize with your own message.

Good For:

  • Corrugated plastic political campaign signs
  • Coated cardboard campaign signs
  • Metal campaign signs
  • Wood campaign signs

How to do it:


  • Use a warm, soapy sponge to clean the campaign sign then wipe it dry with a washcloth.
  • Leave the surface smooth. Don't sand or "rough up" plastic signs.


  • Spray a thin layer of Krylon Fusion® All-in-one Spray Paint for Plastics onto the clean, dry sign. One coat is enough. 
  • Don't use a thick brush or rollers to apply paint directly to the campaign sign. It will go on too thick causing the paint to crack and peel.  
  • Let the sign dry and voila! You have a blank canvas for your Garage Sale sign.       


    If you're not expecting rain the day of your sale or if you live in a dry climate, another option is to print a paper garage sale sign on your home-office printer and tape it to the repurposed campaign sign with clear packing tape. 


    TIP: I haven't tried it, but according to this video, you can also remove the ink on Coroplast Campaign Signs with acetone (fingernail polish remover) instead of painting over it with primer. 

    #2 - Re-cover it

    Recover Campaign Signs to Make Free Garage Sale Signs

    If you can wrap a gift, you'll have no problem covering a campaign sign. All you need is a measuring tape or ruler, a large sheet of Kraft or butcher paper and clear packing tape. 

    Good For:

    • Any small to medium size political campaign sign

    How to do it:


    • Measure the height and width of your campaign sign without the wire stakes.
    • Cut a sheet of Kraft or butcher paper that's a little over twice as tall and two and a half times the width of your sign. 
    • Spread the paper out flat and lay the sign on top of it, centered, with the bottom edges lined up.


    • Fold the sides of the paper in toward the middle. Crease well. 
    • Fold the top half of the paper down over the front of the sign and tuck the excess under. 
    • Secure the folded paper with clear packing tape 



      #3 - Turn it inside out

      How to Reuse Campaign Signs as Garage Sale Signs

      Fold-over cardboard campaign signs (and plastic bag campaign signs - see #4) are perfectly suited to repurpose as garage sale signs because you can personalize the blank underside of the sign without painting over the existing message.

      Good For:

      • Fold over plastic-coated paperboard signs
      • Polybag Political Campaign Signs

      How to do it:


      • Remove any staples securing the campaign sign to its stake.
      • Fold the cardboard sign inside out so the non-printed underside is on the outside. 


        #4 - Replace it

        Replace Political Campaign Signs Poly Bags

        Poly Bag campaign signs are made with a soft poly plastic bag sleeve that slips over a u-shaped wire frame. Most polybag campaign signs have an opaque white liner, so you can simply turn the bag inside out to re-use it. If the original campaign message shows through, just paint over it with an all-in-one primer and paint for plastic, or replace the bag altogether.

        Good For:

        • Polybag political campaign signs

        How to do it:


        • Squeeze the bottom of the wire frame together to release the tension that holds the bag in place and pull it up and over the top of the frame to remove it. 


        • Optional: Paint over the existing political campaign message with a coat of primer for plastic. 
        • Turn the bag inside out
        • Or replace the bag with a trash bag or pillow case that's the same width.


            #5 - Turn it into a chalkboard

            Turn Political Campaign Signs into Free Garage Sale Signs

            Chalkboard garage sale signs are great because you can easily change your message whenever you wish and use your signs again for other garage sales.  Just be sure to *prime your repurposed chalkboard garage sale signs before you write on them!

            Good For:

            • Cardboard political campaign signs
            • Metal Campaign Signs
            • Wood Campaign Signs

            How to do it:


            • Wash the campaign sign with hot soapy water
            • Wipe it down with rubbing alcohol
            • If it's a metal campaign sign, prime it with a coat of latex paint



              • Rub chalk over the entire painted surface using the long side of any piece of chalk - not the tip
              • Rub the chalk in as you wipe it off.

               [NOTE: If you don't prime your new chalkboard sign, any initial marks you make on it will be permanent!]

              Don't need garage sale signs? 
              Try one of these clever ideas for reusing political campaign signs

              Clever ideas for reusing political campaign signs

              Repurpose plastic bag campaign signs into:

              Repurpose corrugated plastic campaign signs into:

              Or reuse a political campaign sign as:

              You can also use campaign signs to:

              And reuse political campaign sign stakes:

              • to anchor outdoor holiday decorations
              • as garden stakes 
                I hope this helps!  

                — Thank You for Reading    

                5 five-minute hacks to repurpose campaign signs

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