40 Garage Sale Finds Repurposed into the Cutest Pumpkins -->

40 Garage Sale Finds Repurposed into the Cutest Pumpkins

Cute Repurposed Pumpkins

From bundt pans, beads and book pages to tea cups and tennis rackets, it's surprising how many common garage sale finds make wonderful repurposed pumpkins.

You can turn literally anything into a repurposed pumpkin. It doesn't have to be orange or round, or even resemble a pumpkin for that matter. Some of the best repurposed pumpkins I've seen are made from everyday objects that look nothing like pumpkins beforehand.

Need a little inspiration?

Here's a roundup of 40 tutorials for repurposed pumpkin DIY projects that everyone's talking about this Holiday season. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

P.S. Don't miss the repurposed pumpkins on Page 2. I saved some of the best for last!

Related: 46 DIY Pumpkins You Can Make with Everyday Upcycled Garage Sale Finds

40 Garage Sale Finds that Make Wonderful Repurposed Pumpkins

- Click on a title to see the tutorial -

1. Storage Jars

Repurposed Storage Jar Pumpkins
Salad Bowls turned Pumpkin

3. Shirts

Cozy Flannel Shirt Pumpkins

4. Sweaters

Perfectly Plush Sweater Pumpkins
Upcycled Wooden Beads

6. Books

7. Bundt Pans

8. Bottles

10. Rope

12. Mason Jar Lids

13. Mason Jars

14. Pot Lids

Continue To Page 2 >>

Next Up: Repurposed Pumpkins 15 - 40, including tutorials for pumpkins made from door knobs, light bulbs, bowling balls and wind turbines; repurposed scouring pad pumpkins, splatter screens, embroidery hoops, repurposed wine glasses, terracotta pot pumpkins, fabric scrap pumpkins and more....

Related: Repurpose political campaign signs in free garage sale signs faster than you can unload the dishwasher!

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