Craigslist Garage Sales Tips & Tools - Oklahoma City: okc craigslistOKC Craigslist Garage Sales -->

Showing posts with label okc craigslist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label okc craigslist. Show all posts

36 Cool repurposed drawer pulls you can DIY with Garage Sale Finds

Repurposed Drawer Pulls, Knobs, Handles

Make your own Drawer Pulls & Knobs

(VIDEO + 22 Tutorials) — When you DIY,  hand-crafted furniture fittings — especially knobs and pulls repurposed from found objects— are not only a fun, cost-effective solution to missing or broken hardware, they're also a wonderful way to customize your furniture.

Friday Funny: Garage Sale Leftovers

Trash bag full of leftover garage sale clothes

Or... I could schedule an appointment with the Salvation Army donation truck to come to me. ;-)

30 Signs it's Time to Declutter and Have a Garage Sale

You want your home to be living space  not storage space. Here's how to recognize when it's time to declutter and have a Garage Sale to make room for more of what you love.

FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Worse than the Peloton ad

Why is this only offered to pregnant women when clearly it works for men with beer bellies, too?

FRIDAY FUNNY: Don't worry. it's not dirty. But if you think the Peloton stationary bike ad is sexist, wait 'till you see this!

40 Garage Sale Finds Repurposed into the Cutest Pumpkins

Cute Repurposed Pumpkins

From bundt pans, beads and book pages to tea cups and tennis rackets, it's surprising how many common garage sale finds make wonderful repurposed pumpkins.

GARAGE SALE TIPS: How to cut out the middleman and find awesome deals on authentic vintage

How to score awesome deals on authentic vintage

Sure, you can pick up a cool old ladderback chair at your local thrift store, or buy a pretty pair of vintage brass candle holders online at Ruby Lane. There's definitely satisfaction in choosing well, especially when there are so many choices. But nothing — absolutely nothing — compares to the thrill of discovering an unexpected vintage find out in the wild. The good news is it's totally do-able if you know where to look.

18 Good Reasons Why Priced Items Boost Garage Sale Profit

18 Good reasons why you should price everything at your Garage Sale

To Price, or Not to Price Garage Sale Goods

Whether or not to tag your garage sale wares with a price can be a surprisingly difficult decision.

Maybe you're leaning toward not pricing anything at your upcoming garage sale because you're running short on time. Or maybe you plan to put a price sticker on every individual item because that's what your Mom does at her garage sales.

Either way, a lot of garage salers strongly disagree with your choice.

GARAGE SALE HUMOR: Hurry there's a Yard Sale!

GARAGE SALE HUMOR: Hurry there's a Yard Sale!

Know the feeling? Thank you for sharing it! :-) This one went viral!


Garage Sale Pricing - Fill a Bag

Garage Sale leftovers can be a real drag. After you put a considerable amount of time and energy into collecting clutter and dragging it out of the house, the last thing you want to do is drag any of it back in. After all, your objective was to get rid of all that stuff!  Of course, even the most successful — and lucrative — garage sales don't sell every item. This clever garage sale pricing strategy, however, can help you sell more than most.

Garage Sale Tip: Have spare chairs so shoppers will linger

Can you spare a chair?

If you've ever trekked a city block from your car to a garage sale in 90-degree heat, you know an empty chair can be a welcome site. But it may surprise you to learn that Garage Sale hosts get more than gratitude in return for giving weary shoppers a place to sit down and recharge...

CRAIGSLIST CURB ALERT: Free Sectional Sofa + 15 more curb finds you can get your hands on today

CRAIGSLIST CURB ALERT: Century Furniture sectional sofa on the curb for free

OKC CRAIGSLIST CURB ALERT — (Free stuff on Craigslist!) — This down-filled sectional sofa by Century Furniture is free to the first person who shows up ready, willing and able to take it home.

5 Essential questions to ask before you buy it on Craigslist

5 Essential questions to ask every Craigslist seller

CRAIGSLIST BUYING TIPS ― The secret to buying stuff on Craigslist is asking the right questions. When you master that, Craig's list and the 13,000 new classified ads posted daily are your oyster. Not sure what to ask?  Start with these 5 essential questions experts say you should always ask before you buy anything on Craigslist:


Funny Yard Sale Sign - Uterus is Retired

Expectant moms should "befriend the
retired uterus lady. She just wants that sh*t
out of her house. Sometimes literally."

 Nikki Morris, Blog Her              

(FUNNY YARD SALE SIGNS) - Ahhh the sweet smell of baby crap galore. Do you suppose they gave her a retirement party?  How about retirement benefits? You know, to compensate her for the fruits of her labor?  

I know one thing.

CRAIGSLIST: Sexy IKEA Table is a Real Stainless 'Steal' (+5 hacks!)

Sexy IKEA Table is a Real (Stainless) 'Steal' - Craigslist

"Really sexy... the sturdiness and texture of industrial with sexy curvy legs? What a find."
 Design Deals Daily 
If the legs were straight it would be just another industrial-style stainless steel table for sale on Craigslist. They're not.

Early American Maple Headboard (OKC Craigslist)

Early American Maple Headboard (OKC Craigslist)

CRAIGSLIST GARAGE SALES (OKLAHOMA CITY) - The epitome of Early American style furniture, this warm and inviting king size American Maple headboard is in great used condition and priced to sell. Crafted from solid wood, it features beautifully turned spindles, a carved top rail with two camel-back shaped arches and large, square posts with curved finials. Its natural wood grain and burls and Nutmeg Maple finish give the headboard a distinctive look.

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