FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS (CRAIGSLIST-GARAGE-SALES.COM) - It's true that "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," but a bro exploiting another bro's exploits? That's cold, man.
Showing posts with label funny craigslist ads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny craigslist ads. Show all posts
Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OKC
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Worse than the Peloton ad
FRIDAY FUNNY: Don't worry. it's not dirty. But if you think the Peloton stationary bike ad is sexist, wait 'till you see this!

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK,
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Ghost of Garage Sales Past
FRIDAY FUNNY GHOST STORY - Here's something I didn't expect to find for sale on Craigslist - a real, live ghost in a jar! (Or should I say, "dead?") And not just any ghost, mind you, but the ghost of former (...)

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Couch has gone to the dogs
Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Leather couch, 'some wear'
FRIDAY FUNNY - TGIF friends! Are you ready to laugh? Whether, or not, you think today's featured Craigslist ad is funny, depends on how you define the word, "some." Click on "Read More" to see what I mean!

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Need chicken diapers?
FRIDAY FUNNY - They may prevent poop from soiling the coop, but can they do anything about the fowl smell?

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
FRIDAY FUNNY - Everyone loves to poke fun at a good redneck FAIL — even rednecks! And the funny Craigslist ad we feature this week is a DOOZY that reads like material from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. It's spreading like wildfire across Facebook and Pinterest. I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff Foxworthy turned it into one of his signature "You might be a Redneck if" jokes. I can hear it now...

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Sorry I got drunk and stole your cat (accidentally)
FRIDAY FUNNY - After a night out drinking with friends, a woman in Chico, California literally stumbled across what she thought was a stray cat. In her inebriated state, she decided it was best to take the cat home only to realize the next morning that the cat had a collar and probably wasn't a stray at all. She turned to Craigslist to report 'the stolen cat' in a hilarious, apologetic way. "Sorry I got drunk and stole your cat (accidentally)" is our pick for this week's "Friday Funny Craigslist Ad." Click on "Read More" to see it.

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Funny Craigslist Ads: Skilsaw Operator Is a Real Cut-Up
FRIDAY FUNNY - What happens when a skilsaw operator who isn't very handy on one hand, is a real cut-up on the other? He writes one of the funniest Craigslist ads ever featured as our Friday Funny Craigslist Ad -- that's what! The Craigslister's peers give the ad zero thumbs up, of course. Click on read more to see why...

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Secondhand Senior Citizen Snuggies For Sale
FRIDAY FUNNY - Just when you think you've seen all of the funny Craigslist ads ... we found another one on Craigslist guaranteed to make you laugh. Click on "Read More" to see it.

FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: For the love of God , please buy this!
FRIDAY FUNNY - If we have learned anything from sharing the funny ads we've found on Craigslist with you this past year, it's this: Craigslist never disappoints. By that I mean there's never a shortage of funny ads like this one to choose from. Click on "Read More" to see our pick for this week's "Friday Funny Craigslist Ad."

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
FRIDAY FUNNY - This is one of those funny Craigslist ads every parent could write at some point or another. Huffington Post associate editor, Mandy Velez, captured it perfectly in her summary published last June:
"Parents know the drill all too well. The kids beg and beg and when they finally get the toy -- or trampoline -- they want, they're over it faster than it takes to assemble the thing. A father from the Boston area aired this grievance in a very eloquent Craigslist ad, that made its way to Reddit, in an attempt to sell the trampoline his kids don't use anymore. Titled "My Kids Suck," the ad gives any potential buyer all the information they need and then some:"
Click on "Read More" to see the ad.

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, OKC, OK
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Mad Photoshop Skillz
Warning: Model in this image may not appear as she appears.
A lot of Craigslist ads are funny because they are obviously untruthful, but not this one! This Craigslist poster obviously has the mad photoshop skillz to deliver what he promises in his ad and then some. Then again, what he delivers is a HUGE LIE, so please disregard opening sentence and go directly to "Read More" to enjoy the funny Craigslist ad LIE.

FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Dresser Possessed By My Ex Girlfriend For Sale on Craigslist
FRIDAY FUNNY - Nothing drives the last nail into the proverbial "We're over for good" coffin quite like publicly eviscerating your ex in a snarky Craigslist ad. Did I say snarky? I meant "funny Craigslist ad." This Craigslist poster's ad is so funny, in fact, it's on Best of Craigslist. Click on 'Read More' to see the ad.

FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Two Words - David Hasselhoff
FRIDAY FUNNY - Some funny Craigslist ads are funny because they're stupid. This Craigslist ad is funny because... well... two words: David Hasselhoff. Click on 'Read More' to see the ad. It's pretty funny.

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Wedding Dress "Worn once by mistake"
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS (OKC Craigslist Garage Sale Blog) - The wedding dress is good. The GROOM was NOT.

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK, OKC
FRIDAY FUNNY: Funny... the shoe rack in this Craigslist ad doesn't look the least bit 'custom-made' as promised. It's one of those funny Craigslist ads that makes you scratch your head in disbelief. Click on 'Read More' to see for yourself.

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Nearly Naked Selfie Accident
Just when you think you've seen all of the funny Craigslist ads ... we found another one on Craigslist guaranteed to make you laugh. I give it 3.8 out of 4 stars, as far as funny Craigslist ads go. But don't laugh too hard. Almost anyone posting ads on Craigslist could make the same embarrassing mistake. Click on "Read More" to see it.

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK, OKC
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Naughty Pet Fish Time-Out Tank

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK, OKC
FUNNY CRAIGSLIST ADS: Craigslist Ad Offers Free 85 Ft. Silo
Some funny Craigslist ads are pretty funny. This one's hilarious. To see it, click on "Read More" or on the the image above.

Location: OKC Craigslist Garage Sales is in
Oklahoma City, OK, USA