OKC Craigslist Garage Sales Tips -n- Tools - Oklahoma City: Garage Sale tips for SellersOKC Craigslist Garage Sales -->

Showing posts with label Garage Sale tips for Sellers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garage Sale tips for Sellers. Show all posts

101 Freebies to Give Away in Your Garage Sale Free Box

101 Ideas for Garage Sale Free Box Freebies

What Should I Put In My Free Box?

A Free Box is a magnet for Garage Sale shoppers. Fill a cardboard box with freebies; write "Free" or "Free Stuff" on the side in big, bold letters and set the box near the curb. You'll be amazed at how many people stop to see what you have to give away.

Garage Sale Tip: Have spare chairs so shoppers will linger

Can you spare a chair?

If you've ever trekked a city block from your car to a garage sale in 90-degree heat, you know an empty chair can be a welcome site. But it may surprise you to learn that Garage Sale hosts get more than gratitude in return for giving weary shoppers a place to sit down and recharge...

GARAGE SALE TIPS: *This* is how you draw a crowd

GARAGE SALE TIP: Trick attracts crowd

Get More People to Stop and Shop at Your Garage Sale!

Let's face it. Nothing attracts a crowd like... a crowd. People driving by your garage sale are far more likely to stop and shop if they see a group of people gathered; it gives the impression there's something worth stopping for.

GARAGE SALE TIPS: Best date to host a Garage Sale

Best date to host a Garage Sale - GARAGE SALE TIPS

GARAGE SALE TIP: When you choose a date for your upcoming Garage Sale, keep in mind that some days will be more profitable than others. 

GARAGE SALE TIPS: Smart advice about Garage Sale Pricing you can bank on!

Stellar Tips - Pricing Garage Sale Stuff

(OKC-CRAIGSLIST.BLOGSPOT.COM) - On the fence about garage sale pricing? Check out this stellar advice!