OKC Craigslist Garage Sales Tips -n- Tools - Oklahoma City: Neighborhood Garage SalesOKC Craigslist Garage Sales -->

Showing posts with label Neighborhood Garage Sales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neighborhood Garage Sales. Show all posts

City Wide & Neighborhood Garage Sales | May 17-19

"If I pass a neighborhood garage sale, my car actually turns itself into the neighborhood. I can’t even control it."  - Kelly, View Along the Way

Rise and shine Oklahoma! It's time for all of you able-bodied treasure hunters to get your garage sale on! The hubby and I are both injured, so we'll be warming the bench this weekend while trying to garage sale vicariously through whoever sends us video from their smartphone. <hint> <hint> I'm nursing a

Citywide & Neighborhood Garage Sales | April 25-27

"The first morning is insane. People literally drive around the neighborhood waiting for garage doors to open and form lines waiting to check out." 
- Brian Anderson, TallySheetApp.com

Good morning friends and neighbors! :-) If you're crazy about garage sales,  break open your piggy bank and grab a straight jacket because this weekend will be insane!  I have 30 Community Garage Sales on the calendar for you — 7 City-Wide Garage Sale events and 23 Neighborhood Garage Sales happening in and around Oklahoma City and Tulsa and throughout the state.

City Wide & Neighborhood Garage Sales | April 12-14

City Wide & Neighborhood Garage Sales | April 12-14

Good morning bargain hunters! Who's up for a challenge?

I have 20 Community Garage Sales for you on this weekend's calendar — 7 City-Wide Garage Sale events and 13 Neighborhood Garage Sales happening in and around Oklahoma City and Tulsa and throughout the state. Your mission, should you choose to accept it,  is to make it to as many Garage Sales as you can!

Garage Sale Finds: Neighborhood Garage Sales Pay Off

Great Finds: Neighborhood Garage Sale Haul
$683 Reasons to love thy neighbors' Neighborhood Garage Sales 
It pays to shop at Neighborhood Garage Sales. Check out the savings/profit potential of these reader-submitted garage sale finds!

Neighborhood Garage Sales | April 6

Community Garage Sales | April 6th

Good morning Garage Salers! Or should I say, 'sailors?' If you live in Oklahoma, there's a 90% chance you'll be navigating through water on your way to garage sales today. The good news is... there are Garage Sales today! Winter has come and gone and the 2019 Garage Sale Season has finally begun.

As long as you don't drive into floodwater and there's no hail or tornados... what's a few thunderstorms between friends? ;-)

Neighborhood Garage Sales | June 16th

"Some ladies may get excited when Nordstrom’s is having a clearance sale, but my heart starts beating fast when I see signs posted for neighborhood wide garage sales."
- Amanda, lifewithamission.com

Hello friends! How was your week? I've been up to my elbows in poop. It's true what they say about French Bulldogs. They're very difficult to potty train. All I can say is it's a good thing Winston is so adorable! But enough about me. You're in for a real treat today.

City Wide & Neighborhood Garage Sales | June 9

A good neighbor—a found treasure. 
- Chinese proverb

Good morning treasure hunters! I hope this post finds you well — and dry.  How 'bout those flash floods in Oklahoma?! Phew! 3 to 4 inches of rain in 90 minutes is an unbelievable amount. My family and I were