YARD SALE TIP: Do this if you can't take it with you -->

YARD SALE TIP: Do this if you can't take it with you

YARD SALE TIP: Take 'This' If You Can't Take It With You | OKC Craigslist Garage Sale Blog
What do you do if your Yard Sale find is too big to take with you and you have to come back later with a truck to pick it up?

YARD SALE TIP FOR SHOPPERS: If you buy a couch or dresser at a yard sale and need to come back later with a truck to pick it up, take a cushion (or drawer) with you to ensure that it isn't sold in your absence to another shopper who offers more than you paid!!

It can be a bit unnerving to pay for a large purchase, then leave without it. But you can rest assured that the vast majority of yard sale hosts are good, honest people. Even if another customer begs to buy your purchase at a higher price, it's unlikely the host would deliberately sell it out from under you. 

Then again... what's the old saying? 

Never say never. It happens.

What's more likely to happen, however, is an overwhelmed yard sale host or someone filling in for her might sell your purchase by accident. Yard Sales can be so unbelievably hectic that even the most conscientious seller will occasionally make such a mistake.

I haven't had the misfortune, but I have friends who've been through it. In both cases, the host was mortified by her mistake and promptly refunded their money.  But my friends still agonized over the loss. They didn't want the money, they wanted the great yard sale finds they fell in love with!

Do This If You Can't Take Your Yard Sale Find With You

So, if you're ever faced with temporarily leaving a yard sale find behind, use this trick! It will not only help protect your property, but your peace of mind, too.


1. Negotiate and agree on a price.

2. Ask the yard sale host if she will hold it for you if you pay first, then come back later with a truck to pick it up. 

3. Pay for the item and get a receipt.

You may have to craft a makeshift receipt with pen and paper if the seller doesn't have one to give you.  

In that case, find any paper you can and jot down: 

  • The street address of the yard sale (Trust me, even if you're sure you won't, there's a good chance you'll forget which house.)
  • A quick description of the item
  • The amount you paid 
  • Who you paid 
  • and "Paid in Full" 

Then have the seller sign it.

4. Exchange phone numbers with the seller and agree on a day and time after the sale for you to pick it up.

5. Tell her you're taking a cushion or drawer with you for reference in case you need to send someone in your place to pick it up.

6. Put a SOLD sticker or note on the item and take the cushion/drawer with you.

Don't be shy. Most Yard Sale hosts won't mind because they're shoppers, too. 

They get it.

NOTE: Don't take any part of an item unless you have paid for it in full and let the host know.

I hope this helps !