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Garage Sale Humor - Desperately Seeking Storage Space

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Whi Are We? Funny Garage Sale Meme

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Who Are We? Funny Garage Sale Meme - Desperately Seeking Storage Space

I don't know about you, but I'm just a few Garage Sales away from starring in an episode of Hoarders.

Woo Hoo! I 've always wanted to be a star! 

<Cut to me polishing the yard sale tiara I bought last year for a quarter.>

But honestly?

It's only hoarding if the stuff isn't cool!

All of my garage sale finds are awesome! It's all stuff we need. We may not need everything today, but we'll need it ...some day. Just because I can't predict which day shouldn't matter.

Should it?

I don't understand why my husband argues against renting a storage unit. <g> I save enough money garage sale shopping to afford one! Unless, of course, you count the things I buy from the Dollar Store to organize all my Junk. (Junk with a capital letter "J" means good junk, not trash, by the way.)


I admit it would be nice to eat in the dining room again. I can't remember the last time our dining room table didn't have stuff from my latest garage sale haul piled on it.

So, maybe it wouldn't hurt to cut back... said no garage saler, ever!

In the immortal words of football legend, Joe Namath, "If you aren't going all the way, why go at all?"

Can you relate? 

Raise your hand and shout it loud and proud!

WHO ARE WE?! ....

  — Thanks for laughing with me